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How Do You Get into Drug Rehab?


Getting into rehab can be the difference between life and death for someone suffering from an addiction. The best way to get into rehab is to pick up the phone and call an accredited facility.

Step 1: Deciding to go to Rehab

Before entering into rehab, it’s important to understand what addiction is, at its core. Addiction develops as dysregulation of our brain’s drive-reward system when stimulated by pleasure-inducing substances and/or behaviors in vulnerable people. Vulnerability is generally a combination of genetic, biological, psychological, social, and spiritual factors. In vulnerable people, addiction impairs the ability to self-regulate and leads to compulsion for different reasons.

For many people struggling with substance use disorder or alcohol addiction, finding a treatment center that can treat everything at the same time is incredibly important. The most important thing, however, is making the initial decision to get into treatment. 

For many people, drug and alcohol abuse can be incredibly isolating, and their addictive behavior may have caused them to become cut off from friends and family. This can make the thought of opening up enough for treatment a terrifying one, and it can be enough to put people off of treatment. 

Step 2: Decide What is Important in a Facility

Deciding what is important in your treatment can be one of the factors that makes it possible for an individual to stick with their particular treatment program. For many people, being able to detox in a luxury setting where they have not only the premium accommodations and comfortable amenities often found in leading hotels, but also have access to round-the-clock medical supervision and care.

For others, it may be more important that their treatment center works with them to help complete treatment programming while maintaining complete confidentiality and privacy. Many people simply cannot take several weeks or even several months to enroll in inpatient treatment, for those who can take that time off of work, it can often require excuses and more just to maintain some medical privacy.

In other cases, it might be a major factor for someone choosing a treatment center that the treatment facility offers additional options for care once the initial inpatient and outpatient treatment has concluded. In many cases, you can make sure your treatment center offers a wide range of aftercare or continuing care options like 12-step groups, and support groups, as well as other educational and therapeutic programming that can be integrated into their daily life. 

Step 3: Make Phone Calls

Now that you have a shortlist of treatment facility options, it’s time to get more information about your treatment options. You’re going to want to make a phone call to teach the centers on your list, and when speaking with medical professionals, ask several questions about their abilities and programs. 

First, you’ll want to ask about the licenses and accreditations that they have, and what it takes to obtain those credentials. Then you’ll want to ask about the cost of their drug rehab program, as well as the potential costs of other addiction treatment options that might be used in their recovery process. Along with costs, you should be sure to discuss potential insurance coverage, and what insurance providers they work with, this can have a massive impact on the overall cost of your treatment.

While gathering the cost information about the various programs, be sure you ask about the length of the programs as well, and whether they are a residential treatment program or an outpatient behavioral therapy, family therapy, or 12-step program. Some programs will require you to live full-time at the treatment center, while others will allow you to schedule the appointments and treatment center visits for times that are most convenient for you

If you believe you may have a dual diagnosis, you should also make sure you find a treatment center that treats co-occurring mental health conditions. This way you can get treated for your addiction and substance abuse problems, while also addressing any mental health concerns that may be present as well. 

When dealing with dual diagnosis, it is essential that the co-occurring disorders are all treated simultaneously, otherwise, there is the risk that the treatments will be ineffective and the recovery will not be resilient and built to last.

Finally, be sure you ask about all of the rules and regulations that will need to be followed while in treatment. This is crucial for those who have been in treatment at other centers before because the treatment protocols and programs can be drastically different from one facility to another. Also, be sure they offer a range of aftercare options that will help you continue to build a strong recovery while integrating the treatment into your daily lives while living independently.

Step 4: Pick Somewhere Based on Your List of Important Factors

When you have made your list of wants and needs, and have made a bunch of phone calls to discuss important components of your recovery, you should have a reasonable idea of where you want to eventually receive your treatment. If you haven’t decided by now, it’s time to sit down with your wants and needs list, and the notes from your phone calls, and start making some big decisions. 

You’ll want to start by making sure your lists are organized by priority, and that you know which of your wants and needs are more important when it comes down to choosing some over others. If you haven’t found one that meets all of your criteria, then you’ll need to start prioritizing and deciding what you’re willing to give up in order to get the things that really matter.

Step 5: Arrive at the Facility and Begin the Intake Process

When you’ve spoken to the admissions team for the treatment center you choose, they will give you a rundown of the admissions process and what to expect when you’re getting checked in. All that’s left now is to show up, check-in, and start down the path to recovery knowing that you’re getting the best start possible.

Call the Agape Treatment Center admissions team at 888-614-0077 to learn more about what our addiction and mental health facilities can do for you or your loved one.

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