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Meth Addiction Treatment

Meth Addiction Treatment Program in Fort Lauderdale

You or a loved one are struggling with meth addiction and need help. Getting into a treatment program like Agape Treatment Center in Fort Lauderdale could turn your life around. Agape offers comprehensive therapies to address the underlying issues behind your addiction, plus medication and structured programs to help you achieve and maintain sobriety. But how do you know when you need treatment in the first place?

There are many signs and symptoms of meth addiction to look out for, from physical changes to behavioral changes. At Agape, you’ll receive personalized methamphetamine addiction treatment in Fort Lauderdale from compassionate professionals with customized treatment plans. With daily therapy, group meetings, medication, and more, we can give you a support system and tools for sobriety.

Meth Addiction Treatment Therapies and Programs at Agape

group of patients undergoing meth addiction treatment

At Agape Treatment Center, we offer comprehensive meth addiction treatment in Fort Lauderdale to help you overcome your addiction and build a foundation for long-term recovery.


Agape Treatment Center provides evidence-based therapies that have shown effectiveness in treating meth addiction. These therapies include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps individuals recognize and modify detrimental thought patterns and behaviors linked to substance abuse. It focuses on developing coping strategies and building skills to prevent relapse.
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) helps individuals develop skills for managing emotions, improving interpersonal relationships, and coping with distressing situations. It combines elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy with mindfulness techniques.
  • Trauma-focused therapy focuses on addressing the impact of trauma on thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, aiming to reduce symptoms and promote healing through techniques such as cognitive restructuring and exposure therapy.
  • Family Therapy helps heal relationships and set healthy boundaries. Family support is key to recovery success.
  • Individual Therapy provides a safe space to work through personal issues fueling your addiction.

Treatment Programs

Agape Treatment Center offers a variety of treatment programs tailored to meet individual needs. These programs include:

MAT combines medications, such as buprenorphine or naltrexone, with counseling and behavioral therapies to address the physical and psychological aspects of addiction. It can help reduce cravings, manage withdrawal symptoms, and support long-term recovery.

The Day/Night/Night Hospitalization Program (PHP) provides a structured treatment environment during the day while allowing individuals to return home in the evenings. It offers intensive therapy, counseling, and support to help individuals transition from inpatient care to outpatient treatment.

The Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) offers flexible scheduling options for individuals who require a less intensive level of care. It provides comprehensive therapy and support while allowing individuals to continue with their daily responsibilities.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment is a specialized approach that addresses the presence of both addiction and mental health disorders. It involves integrated care, where both addiction and mental health professionals collaborate to develop personalized treatment plans that address both conditions simultaneously.

The 12-step Program and Support Groups are a widely recognized and effective approach to addiction recovery. It is a set of guiding principles that encourage self-reflection, personal growth, and accountability.

Wellness Programs

In addition to evidence-based therapies and treatment programs, Agape Treatment Center recognizes the importance of holistic healing. We offer wellness programs that complement the recovery process, including:

Integrative medicine combines conventional medical practices with complementary approaches to promote overall well-being. It may include nutritional counseling, acupuncture, and other holistic therapies to support physical and mental health.

We integrate yoga and meditation practices into our programs to help individuals cultivate mindfulness, reduce stress, and improve their emotional well-being. These practices can enhance self-awareness and provide valuable tools for coping with cravings and triggers.

Agape Treatment Center acknowledges the significance of spirituality in recovery. We offer faith-based addiction treatment that incorporates spiritual teachings and support to guide individuals on their path to healing.

Nutrition psychoeducation involves providing education and guidance to clients regarding the importance of nutrition in addiction recovery. It is a specialized program that aims to address the impact of nutrition on physical and mental well-being during the recovery process.

Identifying Signs and Symptoms of Methamphetamine Addiction

If you or someone you know has been abusing methamphetamine, it’s important to recognize the signs of addiction right away. The earlier treatment is sought, the better the chances are for a successful recovery. Some common symptoms of meth addiction include:

  • Loss of appetite and weight loss. Meth suppresses the appetite and can cause rapid weight loss.
  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances. Meth causes a rush of energy and euphoria that disrupts the sleep-wake cycle.
  • Mood swings and irritability. What goes up must come down; the crash after the high can lead to depression, anxiety, and mood swings.
  • Paranoia and hallucinations. Long-term meth use causes damage to dopamine receptors, which leads to psychosis and being detached from reality.
  • Obsession and compulsion. Those addicted to meth tend to become obsessed and compulsive about either getting high or engaging in strange behaviors like repetitive cleaning or taking apart electronics.
  • Withdrawal symptoms. When not using, meth addicts experience withdrawal symptoms like fatigue, increased appetite, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

What Can You Expect from Agape Treatment Recovery?

man with meth addiction undergoing therapy

When you choose Agape Treatment Center for your recovery, you can expect a comprehensive and personalized approach to meth addiction treatment in Fort Lauderdale.

Individualized Treatment Plan

We understand that each person’s journey to recovery is unique. We will conduct a thorough assessment to understand your specific needs, challenges, and goals. Based on this assessment, we will develop an individualized treatment plan tailored to address your specific situation.

Supportive Environment

We provide a safe, supportive, and compassionate environment where you can feel comfortable and understood. The staff members are trained professionals who are dedicated to helping you throughout your recovery process.

Confidentiality and Privacy

We respect your privacy and maintain strict confidentiality throughout your treatment. Your personal information and journey towards recovery will be kept confidential by applicable laws and ethical standards.

Take the first step towards your recovery journey by starting at Agape Treatment Center. With our compassionate and evidence-based approach, we can provide the support and resources you need to overcome addiction and build a healthier, happier life. Contact us now!

Meth Addiction FAQs

Methamphetamine affects the body and brain by increasing the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. It can lead to increased energy, euphoria, and heightened alertness. However, long-term use can damage the brain’s dopamine receptors, leading to decreased motivation, cognitive impairment, and mood disturbances.

Meth addiction is a significant problem, and its prevalence varies depending on the region. It tends to be more common in certain communities and demographics, but it can affect individuals from all walks of life.

Short-term health risks of meth use include increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, decreased appetite, disturbed sleep patterns, and an increased risk of stroke or heart attack. Long-term use can lead to severe dental problems (known as “meth mouth”), skin sores, memory loss, paranoia, hallucinations, and mental health issues.

Detoxification is frequently required in the treatment of meth addiction to handle withdrawal symptoms and safely eliminate the drug from the body. It serves as a crucial initial stage in the recovery journey.

Currently, there are no FDA-approved medications specifically for treating methamphetamine addiction. However, medications may be used to manage withdrawal symptoms and address co-occurring mental health conditions.

The duration of methamphetamine addiction treatment can vary depending on individual needs and progress. It can range from a few months to a year or more, combining different therapeutic approaches and support services.

Yes, there are support groups like Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA) that provide a 12-step program and peer support specifically for individuals recovering from methamphetamine addiction.

Family members and friends can support someone undergoing methamphetamine addiction treatment by offering empathy, understanding, and encouragement. They can educate themselves about addiction, attend family therapy sessions, and participate in support groups for families of individuals struggling with addiction.

Common challenges for individuals recovering from meth addiction include cravings, triggers associated with past drug use, social pressures, and underlying mental health issues. Relapse triggers can include stress, exposure to drug-related environments, and interpersonal conflicts.

Methamphetamine addiction treatment often includes addressing co-occurring mental health issues through integrated care. This may involve therapy, medication management, and other evidence-based approaches to address both addiction and mental health disorders.

Yes, there are specialized treatment programs available for pregnant individuals with meth addiction. These programs focus on the unique needs of pregnant individuals and incorporate medical care, counseling, and support services.

Steps to prevent a methamphetamine relapse include ongoing therapy, participation in support groups, developing healthy coping mechanisms, avoiding triggers and high-risk situations, and establishing a strong support network.

Yes, continuous support is available following the completion of methamphetamine addiction treatment. Aftercare programs, support groups, and individual therapy can provide continued guidance, accountability, and assistance in maintaining long-term recovery. 

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