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What is Christian Drug and Alcohol Rehab?


What is Christian Drug and Alcohol Rehab?Addiction is a chronic disease of the brain that does not discriminate. Drug and alcohol abuse affects people of all demographics, regardless of class, gender, age, race, and religion. Individuals of the Christian faith are not immune to the disease of addiction.

Christianity is the most practiced religion in the world. There are many different denominations within the Christian faith, such as Catholicism, Anglicanism, Evangelism, Non-Denominational, and many more. Although there are several different practices and views within the Christian faith, the core of this particular faith is the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Christian-specific addiction treatment offers a safe environment for each of these denominations to treat their addiction with like-minded individuals while strengthening their faith.

Types of Christian Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Religion and spirituality continue to be an integral part of the modern addiction treatment approach. The popular 12-Step fellowship support groups are rooted in the belief in a higher power. Many treatment centers specialize in faith-based treatment approaches, however, Christian addiction treatment centers have been longstanding in the drug and alcohol rehab community. Christian addiction treatment centers offer faith-based drug and alcohol rehab programs that include inpatient, outpatient, long-term, and many other therapeutic options for clients to receive specialized addiction treatment services.

The services offered at Christian drug and alcohol rehab programs are similar to that of non-denominational addiction treatment, however, there is a strong focus on the bible and incorporating faith-based practices. In addition to healing through evidence-based clinical methods such as detox and individualized therapy, patients are rehabilitated spiritually as well.

This type of rehab program encourages patients to restore their faith and relationship with God while simultaneously healing from their addiction. Christian drug and alcohol rehab programs generally include these religious practices as well as common treatment methods:

  • Bible study sessions
  • Faith-based 12-step programs
  • Scripture readings
  • Sermons discussing addiction and the Christian faith
  • Daily prayer, meditation, and reflection
  • Church service attendance
  • Pastoral counseling
  • Individual therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Group therapy
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Life skills courses
  • Relapse prevention
  • Boundaries and relationship workshops
  • Ministries
  • Dual diagnosis treatment

The goal of Christian drug and alcohol rehab programs is to incorporate spiritual teachings, awareness, and a reconnection with God while receiving substance abuse treatment. Many Christian rehab centers also have priests, ministers, and other members of the clergy on staff as well as medical professionals such as doctors and mental health professionals.

Benefits of Christian Substance Abuse Treatment

One of the most significant benefits of faith-based recovery is the fellowship it fosters between like-minded, spiritual individuals. Prior to the acknowledgment that addiction is a disease of the brain, many Christians were classified as “living in sin” and experiencing “moral failings”. The stigmas, prior to the scientific community acknowledging the effects addiction has on the brain, isolated many Christian addicts and alcoholics – preventing them from seeking help. Christian drug and alcohol rehab programs helped to alleviate the need to isolate as many of the religious stigmas began to dissipate.

Addiction often isolates the addict from family, friends, and peers. However, Christian treatment programs place a high value on providing a safe and comfortable environment for spiritual, like-minded peers. The focus on fellowship cultivates an individual’s moral resolve and establishes a spiritual foundation to combat future temptations.

Faith-based addiction treatment programs are shown to promote multiple positive health benefits such as:

  • Lower relapse rates
  • Lowered anxiety
  • Healthy coping skills
  • Lowered depression
  • Greater stress management skills
  • Hopefulness
  • Integration of holistic recovery solutions
  • A positive outlook on life

Incorporating Christianity into addiction treatment can strengthen an individual’s motivation and hope for a future while accepting grace for past wreckage. In Christian drug and alcohol rehab programs, clients are educated on the presence of God and the unrelenting strength and inspiration. Many individuals come to understand that with the aid of a higher power, anything is possible – including overcoming addiction. Christian recovery programs cultivate a strong foundation and a hope for maintaining life-long sobriety.

Christian Drug and Alcohol Rehab at Agape 

Agape’s drug and alcohol rehab program is composed of professionally trained clinicians who care and are committed Christians. We will give you the chance to fellowship with other believers who are going through the same trials that you are. This can help strengthen your faith and allow you to realize that many people who believe in God struggle with drug and alcohol addiction. You can also help support and inspire other people who are going through the program. 

You may continue fellowshipping with group members after you leave rehab. Some religious people find that this helps give meaning to their struggle with alcohol and drugs; they feel like they were chosen by God to help others who are suffering. After recovering from drug or alcohol addiction, many former addicts start believing that their difficulties were part of God’s plan for them. Our staff is dedicated to providing Christ-centered counseling and the integration of sound psychological practices in the recovery process.

Call the Agape Treatment Center admissions team at 888-614-0077 to learn more about what our addiction and mental health facilities can do for you or your loved one.

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