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What Are the Different Types of Rehab?


Deciding to get rehabilitative help is a difficult but crucial one. However, just as each individual and their addiction are unique, there are a variety of different types of rehab. Getting help is necessary to recovery, but getting help from the right types of drug and alcohol rehab is just as important.

Giving the individual the best chance possible for a successful, long-term recovery means understanding the different types of drug and alcohol rehab, and choosing the one that’s best for the individual. We’re going to take a look at the different types of addiction treatment that Agape can offer, and which situations each is right for.

Overview of Addiction Treatment

Effective addiction treatment will generally involve several stages. First, if the individual is still actively using substances or still has substances in their system, they will need to complete a detox stage. This is the stage when the abused substance will be completely metabolized and removed from the body. The body will begin coping with returning to normal function without the drugs or alcohol. 

Once detox is finished, the individual will move to the extended abstinence stage, which may also be referred to as the post-acute withdrawal stage. This will be a period where the physical withdrawal symptoms will fade, but psychological cravings and depression can continue for some time. The final stage will be advanced recovery or maintenance, where the individual continues their therapy and group support, learning ways to cope with usage triggers and working to hone their long-term recovery and stability.

Different Types of Drug and Alcohol Rehabs

There are 5 general types of drug and alcohol rehab. These are referred to as levels of care. Each one will have a variety of strengths. Each will also be suited to particular levels of required care which will be needed, to see ideal outcomes.

One of the first considerations for anyone looking into the various types of addiction rehab will be the amount of therapy that may ultimately be needed. Additionally, there will be factors such as the intensity of the addiction, co-occurring mental illnesses, and even the amount of time the individual can devote to the rehab effort. 

Detox Program

A detox program is a type of rehab that will begin immediately and will require in-person treatment in almost all cases. Detoxing will usually also require that the individual remains at the treatment center for the duration of the acute withdrawal stage. Depending on the type of drug or alcohol addiction this can last several days to several weeks and is best done at a treatment facility with medical personnel on hand, in case of emergency.

In some cases, the individual may be eligible for medical detox, which can significantly shorten the amount of time spent in the rehab facility. Medical detox, often used for severe addiction scenarios such as opioid addiction, involves the use of medication to force the body to detox faster. The individual is often required to be in relatively good health other than the underlying addiction since medical detox can be incredibly stressful on the body. 

Inpatient Rehab or Residential Treatment

Inpatient rehabilitation is also known as a residential treatment plan and will involve the individual living at the treatment center, or even a hospital, for an extended period that generally lasts at least a month. During this time they will maintain an intense focus on their rehab and recovery. During inpatient or residential rehab, the individual in recovery will generally complete a  full detox treatment and participate in one or more therapeutic treatments. 

These will often include one-on-one counseling, as well as attending group therapy sessions and partaking in therapeutic activities or other addiction education. By the end of the residential program, the individual will have received help for the underlying addiction and will have been exposed to more healthy ways to cope with cravings to use or other potential relapse triggers. Inpatient programs are often the most costly treatment options, but for those with serious addiction issues or withdrawals that may need medical care, they are the best option.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

Partial hospitalization programs, or PHP, will allow the individual receiving treatment to live at home, they will require a hospital or treatment center visit at least 5 days per week. During this time the recovering individual will receive needed therapy and other medical care, including medication adjustments. 

PHP is commonly used as a “step-down” graduation from a residential or inpatient program, or if the situation warrants it, as an alternative to such intense measures. It may also be a good fit for individuals that find they need more substantial support before moving to a full outpatient program.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

IOP, or intensive outpatient programs, are a great middle-ground between inpatient and full outpatient programs. While they do require visits to the individual’s treatment facility most days of the week, they also allow the individual to continue living at home as they normally would. 

The visits will be more than simply stopping in for a few questions and a quick evaluation, and will generally require attending therapy or other programs, and will last for at least a few hours. Intensive outpatient services are frequently used after inpatient, PHP, or detox programs, but can also be used as a way to prevent the need for those treatments.

Outpatient Program

An outpatient rehab program is often used in conjunction with other treatments, and can represent a transitional period between inpatient or residential programs, and completed treatment. In outpatient drug rehab programs, the individual will live at home and go to work normally but will have appointments to meet at a treatment facility as their needs dictate. This can mean anything from daily appointments for therapy or group sessions, to more sporadic appointments for the individual to “check in” with their treatment professional to get evaluations or medication refills. 

Outpatient programs tend to be much less expensive than detox, partial hospitalization, and intensive outpatient treatments. Outpatient treatment programs are a great fit for those who have addressed most of their treatment needs already and only need follow-up care. They are also highly effective for those with mild or potentially moderate withdrawal from alcohol. Often the key criteria for outpatient are that the patient is stable and in good enough health to live independently without major concerns for relapse.

Finding Treatment that Fits Your Needs

If you or someone you love may need help with addiction, reach out today to the professionals at Agape. Not only will you be able to discuss your needs in a confidential setting, and have a treatment plan created for your unique situation. This individualized approach can help provide the knowledge and coping skills each person needs to give their recovery a solid foundation for success.

Call the Agape Treatment Center admissions team at 888-614-0077 to learn more about what our addiction and mental health facilities can do for you or your loved one.

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