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Group Therapy for Treating Mental Health and Addiction


Group Therapy During the Drug and Alcohol Rehab Process

Group therapy is an extremely important part of every effective recovery program. At Agape Treatment Center we believe that therapeutic intervention should be the main component of every single stage of the recovery process, from medical detox and inpatient rehab through outpatient treatment and aftercare. We also offer a comprehensive, dual diagnosis program that tackles mental illness as well as substance abuse and treats conditions like depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, and borderline personality disorder. When it comes to mental health and addiction, group therapy is extremely beneficial for several reasons, including the following:

  • Clients can relate to one another on a deep and authentic level
  • Clients learn that they are not alone in their struggles and that other people have been through similar experiences
  • Clients learn how to offer one another peer support and encourage one another to continue along on the journey of recovery
  • Clients hone their communication skills and learn how to speak to one another in healthy and productive ways
  • Clients build self-awareness and learn how to navigate a life of recovery once treatment comes to an end

So what is group therapy, and how it is used to effectively treat mental health conditions and addiction? When people think of group therapy, they tend to think of several people sitting in a circle and talking about their problems while a therapist continuously asks, “How does that make you feel?” At Agape Treatment Center we take a unique approach to group therapy. Group therapy sessions take place daily and focus on a range of recovery-related topics that include relapse prevention training, the development of healthy coping mechanisms, the Disease Model of Addiction, and a thorough breakdown of each of the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Why is Group Therapy Effective in Treating Mental Health and Addictions?

We also offer several holistically-based workshops that take place in a group therapy setting. We have professionals in certain fields come into our facility and teach clients about the benefits and importance of an integrated approach to recovery. They undergo workshops that focus on things like massage therapy, acupuncture, and mindfulness meditation, all facilitated by industry professionals with years of experience. Because Agape Treatment Center is a dual diagnosis treatment center, many of our group therapy sessions also focus on mental health. Clients learn about the link between substance abuse and mental health, and they learn how to manage symptoms of mental illness without turning to self-medication.

Group Therapy for the Treatment of Mental Health Disorders and Addiction

Group therapy is essential to integrate and effective addiction treatment. Addiction recovery is largely based on a continuation of peer support – after all, 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are community-based and are effective because they help people stay accountable while actively learning from one another and relying on one another for continued support. To learn more about the benefits that go hand-in-hand with group therapy, reach out to Agape Treatment Center today.

Dual Diagnosis Recovery at Agape Treatment Center

If you or someone you love has been struggling with mental illness and addiction, Agape Treatment Center is available to help. Our recovery program is comprehensive and highly individualized, and we focus on much more than intensive behavioral therapy – we teach clients how to maintain success in sobriety long after they graduate from our treatment program. The point of treatment, of course, is to teach clients how to avoid relapsing into old behaviors once treatment concludes. For sobriety and mental health recovery to be maintained, there must be a strong emphasis on aftercare. Aftercare generally includes a continuation of individual therapy, 12-step program involvement and actively working through the steps with a sponsor, and keeping up with any antipsychotic medications that were prescribed during treatment.

To learn more about the services we provide or to learn more about the importance of daily group therapy sessions as part of every effective treatment program, call us today.

Call the Agape Treatment Center admissions team at 888-614-0077 to learn more about what our addiction and mental health facilities can do for you or your loved one.

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