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Where Can I Find Help to Overcome Depression?


Depression is a commonly diagnosed mental illness characterized by deep and unshakeable feelings of sadness. Unfortunately, depression-like other mental illnesses – is highly stigmatized and misunderstood. If you have struggled with depression you might have heard loved ones say things like, “You’ll feel better if you just get up and move around a bit,” or, “Chin up, you have nothing to be sad about.”But, of course, if you have struggled with depression, you understand that this particular mental illness can be entirely crippling. 

Major Depressive Disorder in Numbers

No matter how much you have to do or no matter how awesome your current circumstances might seem to the outside world, you have an extremely difficult time getting motivated to get out of bed in the morning. If you have been experiencing the symptoms associated with depression, know that you are not alone. According to a study published by the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, Major Depressive Disorder affects roughly 17.3 million American adults on an annual basis. This equates to over 7 percent of the total population. While depression can affect anyone regardless of sex, gender, or demographic, Major Depressive Disorder tends to be more common among women than it is among men. 

Children also struggle with depression; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 1.9 children between the ages of 7 and 13 struggle with a depressive disorder. If you are one of the millions of Americans struggling with depression, you are probably wondering where you can go for help. Do you find an individual therapist with a background in depression? Do you find a psychiatrist in your area who can prescribe an antidepressant medication? The answer depends heavily on your unique needs. 

Find Help to Overcome Depression 

How can you find help to overcome depression? There are several options to look into depending on whether or not you are struggling with an underlying issue like substance abuse and depending on how severe your substance abuse disorder has become. Options include:

  • It is finding a licensed psychotherapist who specializes in the treatment of depression. Psychotherapy is an important part of the comprehensive treatment process, and it is considered most effective when combined with medication-assisted treatment. 
  • Finding a licensed psychiatrist in your area who can help you determine whether or not the medication is necessary. For example, if a person has been experiencing situational depression (depression based on current circumstances), a short-term dose of antidepressant medication might be recommended. If a person is struggling with Major Depressive Disorder, a longer-term dose might be recommended. 
  • It is finding a dual diagnosis treatment center that specializes in the treatment of depression and substance abuse. This is a good idea if you or your loved one has resorted to self-medication to treat undiagnosed symptoms of depression. 

Agape Treatment Center and Treatment for Depression

At Agape Treatment Center, we provide dual diagnosis treatment services to men and women of all ages who have been struggling with depression and addiction. While we don’t treat depression on its own, we do have several psychiatric professionals on staff who have ample experience treating co-occurring disorders. Because depression and addiction so frequently go hand-in-hand, finding a treatment center that thoroughly addresses both is extremely important.

In many instances, a person who has been struggling with symptoms of depression will turn to chemical substances as a means of self-medication. They might drink heavily to combat feelings of sadness or use stimulant drugs to help them complete daily tasks and increase motivation. While chemical substances might temporarily relieve symptoms, they will undeniably worsen and exacerbate symptoms over time.

Start Journey at Agape Treatment Center

 If you or someone you love has been combatting depression and substance abuse, we are available to help. Simply contact us over the phone or through our website. One of our addiction specialists will help you get into a dual diagnosis program to help you on the path to living a happier and healthier life. You can call us anytime as we are always available and all calls are free and confidential. It is time to get the help you need. 

Call the Agape Treatment Center admissions team at 888-614-0077 to learn more about what our addiction and mental health facilities can do for you or your loved one.

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