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Negative Symptoms Resulting from Depression


What Are the Side Effects of Depression?

Most of us tend to have off days on occasion, where we feel a little bit down in the dumps and a little bit off of our game. Some days we feel sad, and other days we feel happy – most of the time, the way we feel is based on our current circumstances. If we are super stressed about work or school, for example, we are likely to feel a little bit sadder. If we lose a loved one, if a relationship ends, or if we get fired for poor performance, we tend to feel depressed. However, this depression usually subsides when the initial shock of the experience wears off, and when things return to normal. Men and women who suffer at the hands of a diagnosable depressive disorder experience deep sadness that is unrelenting and extremely disruptive to day-to-day life.

How Does Depression Affect Americans?

According to the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, mental major depressive disorder affects roughly 17 million American adults on an annual basis – this equates to roughly 7 percent of the entire US population. More women than men struggle with major depressive disorder, and roughly 1.9 million children between the ages of 3 and 17 have also been diagnosed with a depressive disorder of some severity. Depressive disorders can be extremely difficult to manage without professional help – in most cases, men and women of any age who have been diagnosed with depression will need a combination of intensive psychotherapy and medication-assisted treatment. Still, even if depression is adequately treated it can result in a wide range of negative symptoms.

Negative Symptoms Associated with Depression

Some of the negative symptoms commonly associated with depression include:

  • Substance abuse and dependence. It has been estimated that well over 20 percent of all American adults who are currently living with a diagnosable substance abuse disorder simultaneously suffer from a mood disorder like depression.
  • An inability to enjoy extracurricular or recreational activities. Men and women who suffer from depression have a difficult time finding the motivation to engage in recreational activities, and if they do participate, they find it extremely difficult to enjoy what they are doing and to remain present at the moment.
  • Difficulties within interpersonal relationships. People who struggle with depression have a difficult time maintaining mutually beneficial relationships, whether those relationships be with friends, family members, or a significant other.
  • A lack of motivation to perform while at work, which often leads to career loss and ultimately leads to financial insecurity. Men and women who suffer from undiagnosed or untreated depression tend to live below the poverty line more frequently than members of the general population.
  • A lack of energy and a desire to sleep excessively, which leads to a variety of negative consequences including missed opportunities, strains on interpersonal relationships, and feelings of loneliness and isolation that can compact depression, ultimately making it worse.

Struggling with untreated depression can be extremely difficult, and often leaves people feeling hopeless, alone, and entirely worthless. However, with a careful combination of intensive therapy and medication, recovery is possible.

Depression Therapy at Agape Treatment Center

At Agape Treatment Center we have extensive experience treating dual diagnosis disorders of all types and severities. Our team of experienced professionals is made up of licensed specialists in the realms of substance abuse and mental health. If you or somebody you love has been struggling with depression and substance abuse, seeking professional treatment in a dual diagnosis addiction treatment center is extremely important. For long-term sobriety to be achieved, all underlying mental health conditions and addictions must be tackled simultaneously. To learn more about our dual diagnosis treatment program, call us today. We look forward to speaking with you soon and getting you or your loved one started on the path to lifelong recovery and comprehensive healing.

Call the Agape Treatment Center admissions team at 888-614-0077 to learn more about what our addiction and mental health facilities can do for you or your loved one.

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