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How to Deal with Alcohol Withdrawal at Home


If you don’t get help for severe and chronic alcohol withdrawal symptoms, there can be severe consequences. Alcohol withdrawal is very dangerous and is not a joke. When an individual develops an addiction to alcohol, unfortunately, consuming the substance becomes their top priority. Also, it is extremely common for individuals suffering from alcohol use disorder to ignore the possible health consequences of alcoholism. Then, their alcohol addiction quickly becomes accompanied by tolerance and dependency. As a result, if an individual decides to quit drinking alcohol suddenly, they will experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can make individuals feel extremely sick and have the potential to be very painful. Because of this, dealing with alcohol withdrawal at home is difficult and, sometimes, dangerous. Oftentimes, severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms cause individuals to relapse prematurely to soothe the side effects. If you or a loved one are suffering from alcohol withdrawal at home, you may want to consider attending a medical detox facility.

Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms occur once an individual who is dependent on alcohol decides to stop drinking suddenly. Also, symptoms of alcohol withdrawal will vary from person to person, depending on the longevity of alcohol abuse and the amount a person consumes.

The common symptoms of alcohol withdrawal typically show up 6 hours before consuming your last alcoholic beverage. These symptoms may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Shaky hands
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Sweating

More serious symptoms of alcohol withdrawal may include hallucinations, seizures, or delirium tremens. If you or a loved one are experiencing the more serious symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, you must seek professional medical treatment. While only about 5% of individuals experience delirium tremens, it is vital to understand the symptoms to seek medical attention promptly if you believe you are experiencing this dangerous medical condition.

The symptoms of delirium tremens, or DTs, include:

  • Hallucinations
  • Delusions
  • Confusion
  • Racing heart
  • High blood pressure
  • Fever
  • Heavy sweating

If you or a loved one have experienced any of the previously mentioned symptoms, you may be suffering from delirium tremens. Delirium tremens require professional medical treatment. Contact a professional alcohol detox facility if you are experiencing DTs from alcohol withdrawal.

Treating Alcohol Withdrawal at Home

While attending an alcohol detox is always recommended, some people choose to deal with alcohol withdrawal at home. Typically, people make this choice because it feels more comfortable to be at home and in their “safe space.” However, detoxing at home can be extremely risky, especially when people are not prepared to handle the symptoms that may arise.

Risks of Dealing with Alcohol Withdrawal at Home

Many individuals believe the misconception that detoxing from alcohol at home is safer than other drugs. However, this could not be farther from the truth. When people attempt to detox from alcohol without professional help, they may face serious, potentially life-threatening risks.

When an individual suddenly stops drinking alcohol, the body reacts with withdrawal symptoms. Unfortunately, these symptoms are painful, difficult to manage, and have the potential to last for weeks. Also, without any medication, the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal may be difficult to bear. Stopping alcohol abuse suddenly can lead to hallucinations, seizures, and even heart failure, which may result in death. While these risks are very rare, it is vital to understand every possibility before dealing with alcohol withdrawal at home.

How to Self-Detox from Alcohol at Home

While detoxing from alcohol at home, by yourself, is never recommended, people will still attempt to do so. Because of this, it is important to provide information and resources on how to deal with alcohol withdrawal safely. Unfortunately, most people who detox themselves from alcohol end up relapsing because withdrawal symptoms become too much.

If you decide that you would like to detox at home, you must do so safely. If you are detoxing from alcohol at home, consider the following factors:

Remove Alcohol From Your Home

If you are going to detox in your own home, you must ensure that you have removed all alcohol from the premises. When you experience withdrawal symptoms, you will be tempted to drink. To avoid temptation, remove all alcohol from your home before beginning your at-home detox.

Take Time Off From Work or School

Before beginning your self-detox, make sure that you have cleared your schedule. While many people do not want to miss work, staying sober and completing detox will become impossible if you still have to complete responsibilities. Therefore, you must clear your schedule and take time off of work before beginning detox so you can fully focus on your recovery.

Find Support

Just because you are dealing with your alcohol withdrawal at home does not mean you should do it alone. Find a friend or family member to stay with you while you detox. Your loved one will be able to help you through your withdrawal symptoms and contact medical professionals if your symptoms become too severe.

Taper off of Alcohol Gradually

The best way to deal with alcohol withdrawal is to slowly taper yourself off of alcohol. To effectively taper yourself off of alcohol, you must first decipher how much you drink daily. Also, alcohol addiction experts have stated that it is best to use beer as a taper. This is because when individuals use liquor or wine, it is easier for them to get drunk. The purpose of tapering is to give your body enough alcohol to soothe withdrawal symptoms without getting intoxicated.

Individuals should plan to taper from alcohol for around three to seven days, depending on how much they are used to drinking. Next, slowly reduce the alcohol you drink each day until you reach sobriety. If you begin to experience serious symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, drink enough to make the symptoms subside without becoming intoxicated.

Benefits of a Medically Supervised Alcohol Detox

Alcohol detox should never be attempted alone. For someone who has long abused alcohol, close relationships, and family connections may have already been destroyed or be on shaky ground. The process of detoxing from alcohol will probably put you in extreme emotional distress, quickly followed by very unpleasant and dangerous physical symptoms. 

As withdrawal continues, you’re at risk of losing consciousness. Your loved ones may not be equipped to care for you if you pass out. If you stay conscious, you may well do and say things that could cause real damage to the person monitoring you. Alcohol withdrawal at home can actually destroy relationships.

Treating Alcohol Addiction with Agape Treatment Center

A supervised medical detox with professionals’ help can make you as comfortable as possible. In extreme cases, it can keep you alive. Your caregiving team can 

  • monitor your pulse, blood pressure, and respiration
  • keep you hydrated to protect your heart
  • keep anxiety and nausea low enough to help you rest

Often, those in the midst of an alcohol detox may lose touch with reality and may become violent. In this case, your detox team can keep you safe while they monitor you to protect you from harming yourself or your loved ones. These skilled professionals know what to look for and how to protect themselves in the event that you lose the ability to control your behavior.

If you cannot taper without drinking yourself to the point of intoxication, you need to attend a professional detox facility. Alcohol rehab and detox provide individuals with the medical attention they need to taper off alcohol successfully. Contact Agape Treatment Center for more information on the safest way to detox and overcome alcohol withdrawal safely.

Call the Agape Treatment Center admissions team at 888-614-0077 to learn more about what our addiction and mental health facilities can do for you or your loved one.

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