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How Do Outpatient Dual Diagnosis Programs Work?


How Do Outpatient Dual Diagnosis Programs Function?

When it comes to seeking clinical care for a substance abuse disorder, several different treatment levels are available. The level of clinical care you choose will depend heavily on your personal needs, and a variety of additional factors, including:

  • The substances you have been abusing
  • The length of time you have been abusing this substance or these substances, and the severity of the substance abuse disorder
  • Whether or not you are suffering from unresolved trauma or other significant underlying conditions
  • Whether or not you were simultaneously suffering at the hands of a mental illness

Standard Levels of Clinical Care and Addiction Treatment

The standard levels of clinical care and addiction treatment are listed below. If you are unsure what level of care best suits your personal needs, please feel free to contact Agape Treatment Center for more information.

  • Medical detox – When it comes to drug abuse and alcoholism, medically monitored detox is always a necessary first step toward recovery. This level of care works towards physical stabilization and allows clients to undergo a safe drug or alcohol withdrawal in a closely monitored and highly structured environment. Once the withdrawal process is complete, the individual moves on to the next appropriate level of care.
  • Inpatient rehab – This level of care is always recommended and generally lasts between one and three months, depending on the severity of the substance abuse disorder. In inpatient rehab, clients undergo intensive therapy from morning to night and reside together in a residential treatment facility.
  • Intensive outpatient treatment – This level of care is a step down from inpatient rehab. Outpatient allows clients to return home after a long day of intensive therapeutic intervention. This level of treatment is ideal for men and women who might be suffering from a mild substance abuse disorder and have no underlying mental health conditions. It is also recommended that intensive outpatient treatment (or IOP) is completed once medical detox and inpatient treatment have come to a close as part of a comprehensive plan for continuing care.
  • Outpatient treatment – This level of care allows for more flexibility and personal freedom than one might find in an IOP program. Outpatient Treatment sessions tend to meet between three and four days a week and generally last several hours daily. They focus on individual and group therapy, relapse prevention training, and 12-step program education and inclusion.

What Does Outpatient Dual Diagnosis Treatment Look Like?

Do dual diagnosis treatment centers work? As a rule of thumb, outpatient treatment is rarely as effective as inpatient treatment as a standalone solution. In the case of dual diagnosis disorders, such as substance abuse and mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia, it is always a good idea to enter into a long-term program of clinical care that includes multiple phases geared towards long-term recovery. It is crucial that mental illnesses and substance abuse disorders are addressed simultaneously and that the individual undergoes healing on a comprehensive level.

If a substance abuse disorder is mild to moderate, and if a mental illness has been previously diagnosed and treated, then an outpatient dual diagnosis treatment program is very effective. For example, say an individual has been diagnosed with depression and is currently on an antidepressant medication. Say this individual began abusing alcohol roughly a month ago after undergoing an especially messy divorce. Rather than enter into a long-term rehab program, he or she might benefit from a combination of outpatient treatment, individual therapy, and continued sessions with a psychiatrist. Feel free to reach out to us today to learn more about potential treatment options.

Agape Treatment Center and Dual Diagnosis Recovery

At Agape Treatment Center, we offer a comprehensive dual diagnosis recovery program. Our program is designed for men and women suffering from substance abuse and mental illness. To learn more about our dual diagnosis program, reach out to us at any point in time.

Call the Agape Treatment Center admissions team at 888-614-0077 to learn more about what our addiction and mental health facilities can do for you or your loved one.

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