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How Can I Get Sober in the New Year?


Getting sober in the new year is a great goal. The first step in getting sober is admitting you need help. The second is getting accountability. Once you have that, find a treatment center.

What is Sobriety?

Sobriety means being free of the influence of substances or alcohol, but you can use it in many different ways. The default definition that most people think of when the subject of sobriety and recovery is complete abstinence. They may also think it means never using that substance or any other substance again. That said, we mentioned that there are many definitions. 

One of the other definitions is that sobriety is an ongoing process that focuses on developing healthy coping mechanisms and more ordered ways of thinking and behaving that support a more well-rounded view of health and wellness for the rest of the individual’s life. Even if completely abstaining is the overall goal, it is well-established that setbacks or relapses will occasionally happen. The reality is that those people need to understand that even while relapses happen, the important thing is getting back into recovery behavior. 

Depending on the substance that formed the addiction, sobriety may mean facing at least one complete relapse at some point during the recovery journey. Some may even face multiple full relapses before finding their long-term solution.

The First Step-Admit You Need to Get Sober

These days, just about everyone is affected by addiction in some way. You probably know someone struggling with a substance use disorder, or you have an issue yourself. You’re not alone, and there is help.

Reach Out to a Loved One

For those with addictions, one of the most significant changes in the person’s behavior is beginning to isolate. While addiction and dependence push the person toward more self-isolation and avoidance, reaching out to someone for help is often the best way to ensure that the recovery process can start. Not only can they give you an objective viewpoint if you’re conflicted, but you know they will generally have your best interest at heart.

Find the Right Treatment Program

Finding the right treatment program will affect the overall treatment and may make treatment possible for those unaware of the potential options. Many believe the only recovery route is with a long-term inpatient or residential program. However, there are many options, and only some require the patient to live at the facility. Multiple outpatient programs vary in commitment and intensity; some only need a few hours each week, while others have daily attendance requirements. 

Get Through Withdrawals

One of the most intimidating and daunting aspects of getting sober is the inevitable withdrawal stage following detox. Those who attempt detox and withdrawals at home without professional help can risk not only lonely, frightening, uncomfortable, and even potentially painful withdrawal, but in some cases, it can put the person’s life at risk—getting sober for good means using professional help to do it safely, under the support and supervision of medical personnel that can help if complications arise. 

Choose the Appropriate Therapy

A big factor in the overall effectiveness of the treatment plan for getting sober is finding the right types of treatments. Some people find incredible benefits in cognitive behavioral therapy. In contrast, others make more progress with individual psychotherapy sessions. Finding the right therapy can save time and prevent challenges and delays that temporarily jeopardize recovery. 

Build Support for Your Recovery

Not only does addiction isolate those struggling with use disorders, but it also causes them to make drastic changes in their social circles. People with developing addictions often cut off many of their existing friends and family in favor of associating with people who use or are associated with substance use. This can make it very challenging for those in recovery to find new friends that align with their recovery goals. 

One of the key ways to combat this is to spend more time with those people in your life who are supportive. This includes family, loved ones, and friends that aren’t part of the addiction behaviors. Another tactic is to use support groups to build a recovery-minded peer group. Many of these groups are often ready and willing to participate in non-substance abuse activities to help with sobriety and relapse prevention.

Explore Aftercare Programs

Suppose you or someone you care about has been battling an addiction and is trying to get sober in the new year. In that case, one of the first things to do is contact a reliable treatment center to discuss detox program details. Once detox is complete, moving on to other treatment options that address long-term recovery needs is the next step.

Are You Ready to Get Sober in the New Year? 

The addiction help experts at Agape can help find the right plan for alcohol use disorder, substance use disorders, mental health issues, and co-occurring disorders. Reach out today for more information.

Call the Agape Treatment Center admissions team at 888-614-0077 to learn more about what our addiction and mental health facilities can do for you or your loved one.

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