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Counseling for Co-occurring Disorders Near Me


Is There Dual Diagnosis Treatment Near Me?

If an individual suffers from a substance abuse disorder and a mental health condition, he or she is said to suffer from a co-occurring disorder. Co-occurring disorders can affect men and women of any age and from any demographic or walk of life. Co-occurring disorders, also known as dual diagnosis disorders, are extremely common and are generally very treatable. Some examples of common co-occurring disorders include substance abuse and depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or other personality disorders. the treatment for co-occurring disorders will vary on a person-to-person basis and will depend on the severity of the substance abuse disorder and the type of mental illness.

Finding a Co-occurring Disorder Specialized Treatment Program

In most cases, co-occurring disorders can be effectively treated with a combination of intensive counseling and medication. If you have recently been diagnosed with a co-occurring disorder, you might be wondering, “Where can I find a counselor that specializes in dual diagnosis treatment near me?” To learn more about counseling options, feel free to reach out to Agape Treatment Center at your earliest possible convenience. We currently offer intensive counseling for the treatment of co-occurring disorders, and we are also happy to point potential clients in a different direction if they are looking for a set of services that we do not provide. Simply give us a call and we will help you get started on your journey of recovery.

Symptoms Associated with Co-Occurring Disorders

There are numerous symptoms commonly associated with co-occurring disorders, the most common including:

  • Using an excessive amount of chemical substances, and ultimately developing a physical and psychological dependence on drugs and/or alcohol
  • not being able to control the number of chemical substances that are used on a regular basis
  • Desiring to cut back or quit on the number of chemical substances being consumed, but being unable to do so
  • Continuing to use drugs and alcohol despite a wide range of personal consequences, which can include financial or legal consequences and problems in interpersonal relationships
  • Experiencing erratic behaviors, and sudden and unexplainable behavior changes
  • An increase in risk-taking behavior
  • Spending more time alone, and isolating from friends and family members
  • Developing a physical tolerance or experiencing physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms when substance use is suddenly stopped
  • Experiencing symptoms of a mental illness that become worse when drugs are taken or when alcohol is being consumed

If you have been suffering from a co-occurring disorder of any severity, recovery is entirely possible with the right treatment plan in place. In most cases, effective treatment will include a combination of medication and counseling. Counseling is extremely important for the treatment of substance abuse and mental health concerns.

Agape Treatment Center for Co-Occurring Disorders

If you have recently been diagnosed with a substance abuse disorder and a mental illness, you might be wondering, “Where can I find counseling for co-occurring disorders near me?” While there are many treatment options available, the counseling services provided by Agape Treatment Center are nationally recognized and have proven to be extremely effective in the treatment of dual diagnosis disorders of any severity. Our team of experienced counselors have extensive experience in the fields of addiction and mental health and are equipped to provide comprehensive and personalized care to men and women of all ages and walks of life.

For treatment to be truly effective, all underlying conditions must be treated simultaneously. Regardless of what kind of mental illness you have been diagnosed with, we are available to help. If you or someone you love has been struggling with a co-occurring disorder and you would like to learn more about existing treatment options, please feel free to reach out to us today. Our treatment advisors are standing by to help assist you in any way that they can.

Call the Agape Treatment Center admissions team at 888-614-0077 to learn more about what our addiction and mental health facilities can do for you or your loved one.

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