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Drunk Behavior: How Do Drunk People Act?


Alcohol is one of the most common and widely abused substances in the world. It is the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Alcohol affects men and women differently; it affects people in general differently. However, people exhibit some common signs when they are intoxicated, and there are some common behaviors that drunk people will display.


How Do Drunk People Act?

Drunk individuals often display a range of noticeable behavioral changes. Initially, they may exhibit heightened sociability, increased talkativeness, and a relaxed demeanor. As intoxication progresses, coordination and balance may become impaired, leading to stumbling or clumsiness. Slurred speech, impaired judgment, and difficulty focusing or remembering are also common signs of intoxication.

A drunk person’s emotions may become exaggerated or unpredictable, and they may have mood swings or irritability. In severe cases of intoxication, loss of consciousness or blackouts may occur. It’s important to note that the specific behaviors of a drunk person can vary widely depending on factors such as the individual’s tolerance level, the amount and type of alcohol consumed, and other personal characteristics.


Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Intoxication

Alcohol has a different effect on everyone. When a person consumes alcohol, it hits their bloodstream quickly and reaches the brain within five minutes. As individuals consume more and more of it, their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) rises, and the effects become more pronounced. Here are some of the most common signs of alcohol intoxication.

 Speech – Someone that is intoxicated will often slur their words. Alcohol can also cause a person to become loud, offensive, and even argumentative.

Movement – This is one of the biggest signs of alcohol intoxication. Alcohol causes a loss of coordination. An individual may sway their body, fumble around, or be touchy with another person.

Vision – Alcohol will usually cause the eyes to become glossy and red. Sometimes the eyes will start to droop, rollback, or possibly even close.

Judgment – This sign may be a little harder to tell if you don’t personally know the person intoxicated, but you can usually tell when someone is not acting normal.

Appearance – The overall appearance of a person that is intoxicated changes. The first three signs we discussed: movement, speech, and vision, will all be off. The person may struggle to keep themselves in an upright position, their speech will be affected, and as stated above, their eyes will normally be glazed over.

Consuming alcohol causes large amounts of norepinephrine to be released into the body. Norepinephrine is a natural stimulant that the body produces. When large amounts of norepinephrine are released, inhibitions lower, and the person becomes more impulsive. Also, alcohol is a depressant. It depresses the brain, which affects an individual’s rational decision-making abilities.


What Are Common Drunk Behaviors?

doctor talking to young male patient

 Alcohol can make a person say and do things they wouldn’t normally do. It greatly affects the behavior of a person, especially when they are drunk. Here are some of the common behaviors of drunk people:
  • Difficulty walking or standing
  • Inability to focus or make eye contact
  • Restless
  • Clumsy
  • Disoriented
  • Difficulty remembering things
  • Can’t find mouth with their glass
  • Drowsiness or falling over
  • Passing out in public
  • Spilling their drink or breaking a glass
  • Crude or inappropriate speech, comments, or gestures
  • Obnoxious

Drinking alcohol causes large amounts of dopamine to be released in the body. Dopamine is the body’s natural feel-good chemical. This is what makes a person want to continue drinking. It makes them feel good. However, consuming large amounts of alcohol in a short period (binge drinking) is dangerous.

This could result in a person having a blackout. A blackout can sometimes cause memory loss where the individual remembers little to nothing the day or night before. If a person gets to a point where they cannot stop or control their drinking and are experiencing frequent blackouts, this may be an early sign of alcohol use disorder, and they may need substance abuse treatment.


Help for Alcohol Addiction at Agape Treatment Center

12 step group meeting for alcoholics

Agape Treatment Center offers cutting-edge treatment for alcoholism. If you or someone you love is having an issue with alcohol help is available. Our specialists are available around the clock to assist you. We offer a safe environment and treat our clients with respect. At Agape Treatment Center, we specialize in making sure our patients have the most comfortable detox process possible. You no longer have to continue to suffer out of fear.

Call the Agape Treatment Center admissions team at 888-614-0077 to learn more about what our addiction and mental health facilities can do for you or your loved one.

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