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South Florida Benzo Addiction Help


South Florida IOP Drug Rehabs for Benzo Addiction

Benzodiazepines, more commonly known as benzos, are a type of prescription sedative used to treat severe anxiety and sleep-related issues. benzodiazepines can also be used to treat the more severe symptoms associated with alcohol withdrawal. Benzodiazepines are highly addictive, and even when they are taken as prescribed by a psychiatrist or medical professional, they can easily lead to physical and psychological dependence that can cause a range of serious consequences.

If you believe that you or someone you love has been struggling with benzo addiction, there are several signs and symptoms to look for. The 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, also known as the DSM-5, references several symptoms that go hand in hand with benzodiazepine addiction. Take a look at the following diagnostic criteria, and if you believe that you or someone you love has been struggling with an addictive disorder of any severity, reach out to us today. At Agape Treatment Center we treat men and women of all ages in Southern Florida who have been suffering from a benzodiazepine addiction or an addiction to any other prescription medication.

Signs of Benzodiazepine Addiction

The signs of benzo addiction are as follows:

  • The individual uses more benzodiazepines than intended for a longer period than intended
  • The individual gives up activities that he or she previously enjoyed and starts to neglect personal responsibilities in lieu of benzodiazepine abuse
  • The individual experiences a wide range of serious consequences, which can include debt or other financial issues, getting in trouble with the law, or problems with friends or family members
  • The individual goes to great lengths to obtain more benzodiazepines, which might include stealing medications from friends or family members or doctor shopping to get more than one prescription at a time
  • The individual and experiences an increase in risk-taking activities, for example driving while high on benzodiazepines or stealing to support his or her habit, or engaging in other illegal activities
  • If benzodiazepines aren’t readily available, the individual starts to feel extremely anxious and might feel unable to function at a basic human level
  • A physical tolerance develops, meaning that a higher dose of the benzodiazepine must be taken for any semblance of a high to be produced
  • The individual experiences physical withdrawal symptoms when use is suddenly stopped, which can be life-threatening if they are not treated in a medical detox facility

Benzo Drug Detox Port St Lucie Centers

Our benzo drug detox Port St Lucie centers are well experienced with the detoxification process. This is the first step in the revoery process. It does come with withdrawal symtoms that must be medically dealt with during the process. Withdrawal symptoms associated with benzo drugs are often severe, and could potentially be life-threatening. The withdrawal timeline can range from a few days (in some cases) to weeks, depending on how long you’ve been taking them. To help reduce symptoms of withdrawal, it’s best to detox under medical supervision. In addition to medication and support from doctors and nurses, being in an inpatient drug rehab center will provide you with a safe environment where you can receive around-the-clock monitoring. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction or substance abuse issues, know that there is hope for recovery by calling (855) 948-2936 today!

An inpatient drug rehab centre is a rehabilitation facility that offers both medical and psychosocial treatment services, with physical health and well-being given priority. An inpatient drug rehab centre can help you by providing adequate and personalized care, where doctors supervise your withdrawal from benzos. It also allows you to focus on your recovery without being distracted by any other aspects of life.

An inpatient drug rehab centre will help you with both physical and mental aspects of recovery. With your doctor’s supervision, you can receive medication through an IV, which will make your withdrawal symptoms more manageable. Depending on how long you’ve been taking benzos, your body may experience extreme cravings and mood swings, which can make recovery a challenging process. While in an inpatient drug rehab centre, recovering addicts are often put on a schedule to promote physical health and well-being as they embark on their journey towards sobriety.

Our South Florida Benzo Rehab Program

Our drug rehabs West Palm Beach facility offers a comprehensive program of drug addiction recovery in Southern Florida. Our Southern Florida drug rehab caters to men and women of all ages who are looking to begin an entirely new way of life and break free from the devastation of drug addiction once and for all. Finding help for benzo addiction in South Florida can be difficult to do, seeing as this area of the country has rapidly become known as the rehab capital, and many men and women are capitalizing on the misfortune of others by opening rehab centers that don’t necessarily have the best interest of their clients at heart.

Benzo Addiction Recovery in South Florida

Agape benzo drug rehabs and addiction treatment centers in south Florida are licensed and accredited through the state of Florida. It is run by a team of highly experienced medical professionals and licensed therapists who have years of experience under their belts. We understand how difficult it can be to break through the other side of prescription drug addiction – especially when it comes to a highly addictive medication like a benzodiazepine of any kind. The good news is that recovery is always possible, and we are here to help. Simply pick up the phone and give us a call and we will get you help for a benzodiazepine addiction in West Palm Beach and South Florida as quickly as possible.

Call the Agape Treatment Center admissions team at 888-614-0077 to learn more about what our addiction and mental health facilities can do for you or your loved one.

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